
[백준 6593] 상범 빌딩

moguogu 2024. 8. 31. 17:51




import sys
from collections import deque

input = sys.stdin.readline
d = ((1,0,0),(-1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,-1,0),(0,0,1),(0,0,-1))

def Bfs(start_l, start_x, start_y):
    q = deque()  
    q.append((start_l, start_x, start_y))
    visited[start_l][start_x][start_y] = 1
    while q: 
        v, x, y = q.popleft()
        if v == end_l and x == end_x and y == end_y:
            return visited[v][x][y] -1 
        for dv, dx, dy in d:
            nv, nx, ny = dv + v, dx + x , dy + y
            if not(0<=nx<R and 0<=ny<C and 0<=nv<L): continue
            # 막힌곳은 못지나감 
            if not visited[nv][nx][ny] == 0: continue
            if graph[nv][nx][ny] == '.' or graph[nv][nx][ny] == 'E':
                visited[nv][nx][ny] = visited[v][x][y] + 1
    return -1

while True : 
    L, R, C= map(int, input().split())
    if L == 0 and R == 0 and C==0 : break
    graph = [[] * R for _ in range(L)]
    for i in range(L):
        for _ in range(R):
    visited = [[[0 for _ in range(C)] for _ in range(R)] for _ in range(L)]
    for v in range(L):
        for i in range(R):
            for j in range(C):
                if graph[v][i][j] == 'S':
                    start_l, start_x, start_y = v, i, j
                if graph[v][i][j] == 'E':
                    end_l, end_x, end_y  = v, i, j
    if Bfs(start_l, start_x, start_y) == -1: 
    else :
        print("Escaped in " + str(visited[end_l][end_x][end_y]-1) + " minute(s).")